For months, the Internet has been abuzz about Facebook's new Timeline feature. In addition to the redesigned profile, Facebook now gives you the ability to backdate posts - allowing you to add life events and tag them with an older date. As you can see at right (click for larger view), Facebook is asking for information about your relationships, children, pets, and more - even when you lost weight, had your first kiss, or moved into a new home.
I recently heard part of an NPR report concerning Timeline. The guest mentioned a great point: with the new information Facebook is looking to acquire, it makes it very easy to find answers to common password reset questions. As the Sixth Circuit decision was released yesterday (discussion here) concerning Sarah Palin's e-mail break in through the password reset feature, this is a great time to have the discussion.
This is part of what FB wants to know about your birth, but they also want the story and pictures. |
Suppose a person uses the life event feature to add all of their pets. Now, the first pet question is compromised. Mother's maiden name? She's probably listed as a family member (and constantly posts on your status updates!). What city were you born? Facebook now wants that, too.
As Facebook collects more data, it could also lead to more sophisticated phishing scams. Many scams now are unsuccessful because of mass e-mailing, hoping to find a person that matches the criteria. This would allow scammers to better target people with information they know to be accurate.
Perhaps now is a time to develop better questions such as "Who were you with when you had your first drink?" Never mind, Facebook is actually asking that now, too (as well as the location, year, and your story of how it happened).