Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Romney's tax returns allegedly hacked - let the spin begin

Politics and cybercrime have frequently gone hand in hand, and apparently the trend continues. An unidentified hacking group claims to have "hacked" (as in duped) the facility that houses Romney's 1040s -  PricewaterhouseCooper - and obtained his records. The hacking group has posted a message on pastebin with information which can be found here.  There also appears to be an extortion attempt involved (although based on the money floating around political circles, this shouldn't be a high bar to meet if true).

A tactic such as this is interesting for a number of reasons -

1.  It occurred during the DNC - drawing attention away from the convention.
2.  It is unclear how either side will spin it (hypo: Republicans: Hackers are democrats and this shows their anarchist tendencies. Democrats: We had nothing to do with it, but wouldn't we all like to see the information?")
3.  This rises to a Secret Service cybercrime case, so the logistics will be fascinating.
4.  What will PWC's liability be in the event that the facts are true?
5.  How will this impact the race?
6.  How will such a social engineering attempt drive further tightening of physical security measures of similar firms.

Here's another link to the story: Hacker Group Claims to Have Romney’s Tax Returns

I'd love to see reader comments on this.


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