Monday, April 22, 2013

Google Glass and the future of privacy

With the expected public release of Google Glass later this year, we must all be wondering about the product's potential effects on privacy. It will be worn similarly to eyeglasses and will provide users with picture, message, and navigation capabilities - just to mention a few.

Jan Chipchase, Executive Creative Director of Global Insights at Frog Design recently wrote about the privacy considerations with technologies like Google Glass:
As a product that is both on-your-face and in-your-face, Glass is set to become a lightning rod for a wider discussion around what constitutes acceptable behavior in public and private spaces. The Glass debate has already started, but these are early days; each new iteration of hardware and functionality will trigger fresh convulsions. In the short term, Glass will trigger anger, name-calling, ridicule and the occasional bucket of thrown water (whether it’s ice water, I don’t know). In the medium term, as societal interaction with the product broadens, signs will appear in public spaces guiding mis/use and lawsuits will fly, while over the longer term, legislation will create boundaries that reflect some form of im/balance between individual, corporate and societal wants, needs and concerns.
Read similar articles from CNNTech, The Guardian, and TechNewsWorld.


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