Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"Revenge porn" website owner offers to close site if he raises $200,000

There was a time when people ended a relationship and moved on with their lives. Nowadays, with digital cameras and the Internet, it is much easier to seek revenge for all of the wrongs you experienced. For those of you unaware, "revenge porn" is the term applied when a person posts nude images of someone they know on the Internet - often doing so after the end of a relationship. 

Several revenge porn websites have come and gone, but one website owner has recently made headlines by offering to shut down his websites after he raises $200,000. According to
Mr. Brittain has devised a new scheme to flout the desires of victims who want him to take down their intimate photos. He and Is Anybody Down co-owner Chance Trahan have launched an Indiegogo campaign with a goal of $200,000, claiming that if they hit their goal they will officially shut down both sites. And they’ve named their campaign after revenge porn victim Holly Jacobs’ victim resource hub, End Revenge Porn.
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